8/7/2016 – Remote Proctor Now Update

RPN has made several changes to its services which are listed below. The URL for students to access RPN exams has not changed, please continue to use http://northflorida.remoteproctor.com. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to reach out to cirtlab@unf.edu Drop of System Check: We’ve eliminated the “System […]

Updates in the 8-8-16 Production Release

Updates in the 8-8-16 Production Release Canvas releases changes to its production environment every 3 weeks, including new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes. Instructors can now exclude assignments from a student’s final grade and save comments as drafts in SpeedGrader. This release also brings a SpeedGrader interface […]

SOLO is Moving to Canvas

The Student Online Learning Orientation (SOLO) required by some DL programs and courses will be delivered via Canvas beginning July 12. SOLO is designed to prepare students for distance learning courses. The orientation specifically addresses effective learning strategies for an online student and orients the student to the technologies used in […]