Updates in the 10-28-2017 Production Release

In this production release (October 28), the Rich Content Editor Accessibility Checker helps verify common accessibility errors in Canvas content.

In Discussions and Assignments, the Move-To menu has been changed to a sidebar, and discussions can be duplicated from a discussion’s Settings menu. In course rubrics, the Create or Edit Rubric view visibly displays all add, edit, and delete icons in a criterion. Additionally, ratings also support rating descriptions. And in DocViewer, comments with multiple lines are collapsed by default and can be expanded to view the entire comment, and the Delete icon only displays when creating an annotation.

The Gradebook History page has been redesigned for improved performance and includes display filters for a specific student, grader, assignment, and start and end date. Additionally, the student Grades page includes an updated table design.

Production release notes also include fixed bugs.

 View the View the Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-10-28)

New Features

Updated Features

Fixed Bug

For a complete list of fixed bugs in this release, see View the Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-10-28)